Results for 'Mª Ángeles Arráez Monllor'

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  1.  35
    Velayos Castelo, Carmen (ed.), 2009: Éticay ethos profesionales, editorial universidad de Granada, Granada.Ángeles Arráez Monllor - 2010 - Dilemata 2 (2):115-121.
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    Una visión feminista de la empresa: Aportaciones de la ética del cuidado a la ética empresarial.María Ángeles Arráez Monllor - 2013 - Dilemata 12:247-260.
    La ética del cuidado ofrece una nueva perspectiva desde la que abordar la ética empresarial basada en valores – como el cuidado, la asunción de responsabilidades hacia el otro o la atención a lo particular – poco apreciados desde las teorías éticas más tradicionales. Tras una introducción a dicho enfoque, se exploran aquí sus principales aportaciones a la reflexión sobre la empresa. Su contribución a la redefinición de estas organizaciones y su modo de hacer explícito el elemento normativo de la (...)
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    Bioethics and Human Enhancement: an Interview with Julian Savulescu.M. Ángeles Arráez, Miguel Moreno, Francisco Lara, Pedro Francés & Javier Rodríguez Alcázar - 2010 - Dilemata 3:15-25.
  4.  13
    mujeres inmigrantes en Logroño y su situación laboral tras la pandemia en la comunidad riojana.Ángeles Díaz Cama - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (6):1-10.
    Desde que se inicia el confinamiento hasta la actualidad, se dispara la inseguridad en el sector económico en general, situando en un estado aún más crítico a los colectivos sociales más vulnerables como las mujeres. Pondremos nuestro punto de mira y objetivo en el trabajo social y de inserción desarrollado con las mujeres migrantes riojanas durante la pandemia. Para ello, se llevará a cabo una revisión y análisis de datos socioeconómicos en base a las tasas de paro y de empleo (...)
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    La versión judeo-árabe.Ángeles Gallego García & Montserrat Abumalham Mas - forthcoming - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones.
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    La aportación de las agrupaciones musicales escolares a la sociedad.Ángeles Bermell Corral & Vicente Alonso Brull - 2014 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 3 (1).
    Sabemos que desde una perspectiva científica, al activar determinados estímulos musicales se produce una activación a nivel cerebral. Con las agrupaciones musicales escolares se requiere previamente activar las técnicas de audición e interpretación de forma individual para lograr en el grupo, aptitudes motoras, perceptivas, cognitivas y activar procesos afectivos y de socialización. De esta forma, la atención a la diversidad no quedaría excluida. La música, en definitiva, favorece el desarrollo de la persona en todas sus dimensiones, lo cual redunda en (...)
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    Subordiscriminación y Discriminación Interseccional: Elementos Para Una Teoría Del Derecho Antidiscriminatorio.M. ª Ángeles Barrère Unzueta & Dolores Morondo Taramundi - 2013 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 45:15-42.
    Este trabajo se inscribe en una revisión in progress del Derecho antidiscriminatorio moderno que las autoras vienen efectuando desde hace más de tres lustros. En la primera parte del mismo se examinan los textos de una f ilósofa política y de dos juristas esta- dounidenses (I. M. Young, C. A. MacKinnon y K. Crensahw) que inspiran la propuesta de un concepto de discriminación y de una visión de la interseccionalidad basados en el reconocimiento de los sistemas de opresión. La segunda (...)
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    Parental and Infant Gender Factors in Parent–Infant Interaction: State-Space Dynamic Analysis.M. Angeles Cerezo, Purificación Sierra-García, Gemma Pons-Salvador & Rosa M. Trenado - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Bioethics and Human Enhancement: an Interview with Julian Savulescu.Julian Savulescu - 2010 - Dilemata 3.
    By Olga Campos, Mª Ángeles Arráez, Miguel Moreno, Francisco Lara, Pedro Francés, and Javier Rodríguez Alcázar.
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    Research involving adults who lack capacity: how have research ethics committees interpreted the requirements?M. Dixon-Woods & E. L. Angell - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6):377-381.
    Two separate regulatory regimes govern research with adults who lack capacity to consent in England and Wales: the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 and the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004 (“the Regulations”). A service evaluation was conducted to investigate how research ethics committees (RECs) are interpreting the requirements. With the use of a coding scheme and qualitative software, a sample of REC decision letters where applicants indicated that their project involved adults who lacked mental capacity was analysed. (...)
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  11.  30
    Diversidad, música y competencia social y ciudadana: contribuciones de la experiencia musical.M. ª Ángeles Bermell Corral, M. ª Del Mar Bernabé Villodre & Vicente Alonso Brull - 2014 - Arbor 190 (769):a164.
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    Modulation of AP‐1/ATF transcription factor activity by the adenovirus‐e1a oncogene products.Bertine M. Hagmeyer, Peter Angel & Hans van Dam - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (7):621-629.
    The proteins encoded by early region 1 A (E1A) of human adenoviruses (Ad) modulate the expression of both adenovirus genes and various host cell genes. With these transcription‐regulating properties the E1A proteins redirect the cell's metabolism, which enables them to induce oncogenic transformation in rodent cells. The E1A proteins modulate transcription by interacting both with gene‐specific and general cellular transcription factors. Various members of the AP‐1 and ATF/CREB families of transcription factors are targets for E1A‐dependent regulation, including cJun, the protein (...)
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    Las implicaciones de la teoría agónica del lenguaje.Ángeles Arribas Francisco - 2000 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 17:249.
    En el presente estudio analizaremos la expresión del conflicto en el lenguaje, donde la lucha palabra-letra impregna la teoría agónica del lenguaje y marca la trascendencia sobre la relación historia-intrahistoria. Asimismo, presentaremos la dimensión creadora del lenguaje, relevante desde el Unamuno contemplativo, y el papel desempeñado por el diálo go a la hora de expresar los dos poíos del conflicto, agónico y contem plativo.
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    COVID-19 and female immigrant caregivers in Spain: Cohabiting during lockdown.Ángeles García-Carpintero Muñoz, María Ángeles Lato-Molina, Lorena Tarriño-Concejero & Rocío de Diego-Cordero - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (1):123-139.
    From a gender perspective, female immigrant domestic caregivers have been particularly impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic: first, as female immigrants, and second, due to their work within the domestic care sector, which has been so badly affected in this pandemic. This study investigates the emotions and experiences of 15 female Latin American immigrant domestic workers, caregivers in five Andalusian cities who were cohabiting with their employees/patients during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, using qualitative research through in-depth interviews and life stories. The (...)
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    ¿Vulnerabilidad vs. Subordiscriminación? Una mirada crítica a la expansión de la vulnerabilidad en detrimento de la perspectiva sistémica | Martha A. Fineman and legal equality: Vulnerability vs. Subordiscrimination? [REVIEW]Ángeles Maggy Barrère Unzueta - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 34 (34):17-34.
    RESUMEN. En este artículo se analiza (y cuestiona) la tesis de la vulnerabilidad de la jurista estadounidense Martha A. Fineman. El trabajo se estructura en cinco apartados en los que el paradigma de Fineman es sucesivamente contextualizado, proyectado sobre la jurisprudencia del TEDH y comparado con otras contribuciones críticas al Derecho antidiscriminatorio. El trabajo finaliza con una breve conclusión en la que, aun reconociendo la validez del diagnóstico y la loable finalidad que mueve la teoría de Fineman, pone en duda (...)
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    Regulación de la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido en España. ¿Hacia qué modelo se dirige la opinión pública?M. ª Ángeles Molina Martínez & Rafael Serrano del Rosal - 2014 - Arbor 190 (769):a174.
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    DIAGNOSIS EN CASOS DE ASESINATO POR VIOLENCIA DE GÉNERO: Estudios sobre los casos de muerte por causa de violencia de género en Andalucía.M. ª Ángeles Sepúlveda García de la Torre & Aurora Genovés García - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 2 (2):149-189.
    El objetivo es conocer las circunstancias y tratamiento judicial de asesinatos por violencia de género. Se plantea el diagnóstico forense de muerte, se exponen resultados de la investigación realizada por Genovés et al. en 2018 sobre150 casos de muerte por violencia de género en Andalucía, se plantea un posible patrón de conducta basado en la teoría de los pensamientos obsesivos y rumia silenciosa. Los resultados muestran una violencia anunciada, sin trastornos mentales graves, los asesinatos se mantienen constantes en el tiempo, (...)
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    Reasons which influence on the students' decision to take a university course: differences by gender and degree.Jesús Manuel López-Bonilla, Ramón Barrera Barrera, Ángeles Rodríguez Serrano, Luis Miguel López-Bonilla, Beatriz Palacios Florencio, Mª Carmen Reyes Rodríguez & Borja Sanz Altamira - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (3):297-308.
    After compulsory secondary education; many teenagers face the process of choosing a university degree. This process involves uncertainties referred to their personal abilities, interests, social expectations and professional future. The present work is aimed at determining whether the reasons behind the selection of a particular university degree differ depending on the chosen degree. Another objective is determining whether these reasons differ significantly according to gender. The sample comprises 983 students belonging to the area of social and legal sciences at the (...)
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    Electrophysiological Evidence of a Delay in the Visual Recognition Process in Young Children.Catarina I. Barriga-Paulino, Elena I. Rodríguez-Martínez, Ángeles Rojas-Benjumea & Carlos M. Gómez González - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20. Relación de los obispos diocesanos con los monasterios de clarisas.Miguel Ángel Escribano Arráez - 2009 - Verdad y Vida 67 (254):325-341.
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  21.  29
    The Benefits of Auditors’ Sustained Ethical Behavior: Increased Trust and Reduced Costs.Rafael Morales-Sánchez, Manuel Orta-Pérez & M. Ángeles Rodríguez-Serrano - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):441-459.
    Studies demonstrating the benefits of ethical behavior at an individual level are scarce. The business ethics literature centers its analysis on unethical behaviors and their consequences, rather than ethical behaviors and their benefits. There is now considerable debate on the role of auditors in society and the function of accounting firms in the free market capitalist system. Specifically, the eminently ethical nature of the auditor’s work has been highlighted. Therefore, the aim of our paper is to show the impact of (...)
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    Challenges for hospital management in supporting nurses to deliver humanized care.Maria Luisa Martin-Ferreres, Laia Wennberg-Capellades, Encarnación Rodríguez, Mireia Llaurado-Serra & M. Angeles de Juan Pardo - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (1):e12422.
    Hospitals are paying increasing attention to the delivery of humanized care. The purpose of this study was to explore from the nursing perspective what hospital managers might do to facilitate this. A secondary analysis from a primary ethnographic study regarding dignity in nursing practice was conducted. Twenty interviews of internal medicine nurses from four hospitals were analyzed, and three main themes were identified: Management of nursing teams, Management of ethical values, and Management of the context. It is important for institutional (...)
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  23. LOS DESAFÍOS DE LA ÉTICA AMBIENTAL.Miguel Acosta, Pablo Martínez de Anguita & Mª Angeles Martín Rodríguez-Ovelleiro - 2004 - In Acosta Miguel, Martínez de Anguita Pablo & Martín Rodríguez-Ovelleiro Mª Angeles, ¿Qué Cultura? V Congreso Católicos y Vida Pública, tomo II. Fundación Santa María. pp. 955-968.
    En 1968 Raquel Carson comenzaba una revolución en el pensamiento, quizá una de las de mayor peso en la actualidad. En su libro "La primavera silenciosa" acusaba del deterioro ambiental al poder ilimitado del ser humano. La creencia surgida en la modernidad de que todo lo que el hombre decidía era en sí mismo lo mejor por haber sido fruto de una voluntad libérrima, daba primacía y legitimidad absoluta a su acción sobre la naturaleza. Surgieron con gran fuerza numerosos grupos (...)
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    Equilibria with vector-valued utilities and preference information. The analysis of a mixed duopoly.Amparo M. Mármol, Luisa Monroy, M. Ángeles Caraballo & Asunción Zapata - 2017 - Theory and Decision 83 (3):365-383.
    This paper deals with the equilibria of games when the agents have multiple objectives and, therefore, their utilities cannot be represented by a single value, but by a vector containing the various dimensions of the utility. Our approach allows the incorporation of partial information about the preferences of the agents into the model, and permits the identification of the set of equilibria in accordance with this information. We also propose an additional conservative criterion which can be applied in this framework (...)
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  25. ASPECTOS HUMANÍSTICOS DE LA ECOLOGÍA.Miguel Acosta, Pablo Martínez de Anguita & Mª Angeles Martín (eds.) - 2006 - Madrid, España: Publicep.
    Estamos siendo testigos de grandes avances tecnológicos y, a la vez, de grandes desastres naturales y sociales que nos impulsan a plantearnos cuáles son las causas últimas de la degradación natural ecológica. El abuso en el uso de los recursos tal vez pueda tener relación con el abuso en el uso de la tecnología; incluso ser causa de la gran desigualdad social en el acceso a bienes necesarios para llevar una vida digna, raíz de muchos conflictos sociales. La ecología es (...)
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    Educación Ambiental y Universidad en la Sociedad de la Globalización.Miguel Melendro Estefanía, María Novo Villaverde, Ángeles Murga Menoyo & Mª José Bautista Cerro - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (44):137-142.
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    Caracterización multicanal no lineal de señales EMG con la transformada Hilbert-Huang.M. Pinzón, Rubén Darío, Alvaro Angel Orozco Gutiérrez & César Germán Castellanos Domínguez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Implementation of a Positive Technology Application in Patients With Eating Disorders: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial.Angel Enrique, Juana Bretón-López, Guadalupe Molinari, Pablo Roca, Ginés Llorca, Verónica Guillén, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Rosa M. Baños & Cristina Botella - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  29. El conocimiento innato en Locke y Leibniz.Angel M. Lorenzo - 1985 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 2:79-86.
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    Consistency in decision making by research ethics committees: a controlled comparison.E. Angell, A. J. Sutton, K. Windridge & M. Dixon-Woods - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (11):662-664.
    There has been longstanding interest in the consistency of decisions made by research ethics committees in the UK, but most of the evidence has come from single studies submitted to multiple committees. A systematic comparison was carried out of the decisions made on 18 purposively selected applications, each of which was reviewed independently by three different RECs in a single strategic health authority. Decisions on 11 applications were consistent, but disparities were found among RECs on decisions on seven applications. An (...)
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  31. The SEARCH neonatal sepsis study: was it ethical.M. Angell - 2007 - In James V. Lavery, Ethical issues in international biomedical research: a casebook. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 114--116.
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    Can Wittgenstein Be Considered a Naturalist?Angel M. Faerna & Aurelia Di Berardino - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 53:55-62.
    We begin by taking “naturalism” in the sense in which P. F. Strawson (“Scepticism, Naturalism and Transcendental Arguments”, 1985) presented Wittgenstein’s anti-sceptical arguments as “naturalistic”. According to Strawson, this naturalism connects the philosophy of Wittgenstein with that of Hume. Then, we proceed to compare Hume’s and Wittgenstein’s positions and establish a tenet common to them, which we qualify as “meta‐philosophical”: philosophy rests on a bedrock that resists our demands of justification, a contingent “so we are, so we act” that is (...)
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    (2 other versions)Robots showing emotions.M. Angel-Fernandez Julian & Bonarini Andrea - 2016 - Latest Issue of Interaction Studies 17 (3):408-437.
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    Do research ethics committees identify process errors in applications for ethical approval?E. Angell & M. Dixon-Woods - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2):130-132.
    We analysed research ethics committee (REC) letters. We found that RECs frequently identify process errors in applications from researchers that are not deemed “favourable” at first review. Errors include procedural violations (identified in 74% of all applications), missing information (68%), slip-ups (44%) and discrepancies (25%). Important questions arise about why the level of error identified by RECs is so high, and about how errors of different types should be handled.
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  35. The Ethics of Speculation.James J. Angel & Douglas M. McCabe - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S3):277-286.
    Recently there has been an outpouring of consumer frustration over rising food and energy prices. Many politicians railed against “speculators” who allegedly drove up the prices of key necessities. Is speculation unethical? This article reviews the traditional arguments against speculation. Many of the standard criticisms confuse speculation with gambling. In much the same way as ethicists now draw distinctions between usury and normal business interest, we draw a distinction between socially useful speculation and gambling. Gambling involves taking on risk with (...)
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  36. Discriminacion, derecho antidiscriminatorio Y accion positiva en favor de las mujeres (margarita Gabriela prieto acosta).M. Angeles & B. Unzueta - 1999 - Feminist Legal Studies 7 (1):99-100.
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    Más allá de las aulas: una reivindicación del carácter práctico de la filosofía.M. ª de los Ángeles Pérez del Amo - 2021 - Isegoría 65:20-20.
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    Is 'inconsistency' in research ethics committee decision-making really a problem? An empirical investigation and reflection.E. L. Angell, C. J. Jackson, R. E. Ashcroft, A. Bryman, K. Windridge & M. Dixon-Woods - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (2):92-99.
    Research Ethics Committees (RECs) are frequently a focus of complaints from researchers, but evidence about the operation and decisions of RECs tends to be anecdotal. We conducted a systematic study to identify and compare the ethical issues raised in 54 letters to researchers about the same 18 applications submitted to three RECs over one year. The most common type of ethical trouble identified in REC letters related to informed consent, followed by scientific design and conduct, care and protection of research (...)
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    Interventions for caregivers.Angelle M. Sander - 2005 - In Walter M. High, Angelle M. Sander, Margaret A. Struchen & Karen A. Hart, Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury. Oxford University Press. pp. 156--175.
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    Some electron spin resonance properties of heat treated synthetic diamond.M. J. A. Smith & B. R. Angel - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 15 (136):783-796.
  41. The Ethics of Managerial Compensation: The Case of Executive Stock Options.James J. Angel & Douglas M. McCabe - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):225-235.
    This paper examines the ethics of contemporary managerial compensation in the context of executive stock options. Economic considerations would dictate that executive stock options should be adjusted to eliminate the effect of overall stock market movements which are beyond the control of the executive. However, in practice, most executive stock options are not adjusted to control for these outside factors. Agency considerations are the most likely culprit. Adjusting for the influence of outside factors, such as a generally rising stock market, (...)
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    On Norms and Social Practices: Brandom, Dewey, and the Demarcation Question.Ángel M. Faerna - 2014 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 50 (3):360.
    I discuss Robert Brandom’s contention that his “analytic” or “linguistic” pragmatism is, as his book Perspectives on Pragmatism: Classical, Recent, and Contemporary argues, a “way forward from the ideas of American pragmatists.” In this connection, I compare Brandom’s and Dewey’s answers to the demarcation question (how are linguistic practices distinguished from nonlinguistic ones) in order to show that Brandom’s linguistic “exceptionalism” departs from one fundamental contribution of the pragmatic tradition, namely the idea that discursive normativity emerges from previous, already linguistic (...)
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    Rorty and Dewey on Warrant.Ángel M. Faerna - 2014 - Contemporary Pragmatism 11 (1):15-26.
  44. The Business Ethics of Short Selling and Naked Short Selling.James J. Angel & Douglas M. McCabe - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (1):239 - 249.
    The controversy over short selling has continued unabated from the introduction of modern equity trading in Amsterdam in 1610 to the present day. Nevertheless, the business ethics literature has not really addressed short selling. Short sellers not only profit from the misery of others, they also create it through their selling activities. However, they also provide a socially useful service by making prices better reflect true values, protecting other investors from purchasing overpriced securities. Short sellers can also help to provide (...)
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    Ulf Zackariasson (ed.), Action, Belief and Inquiry: Pragmatist Perspectives on Science, Society and Religion.Ángel M. Faerna - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    This book bears witness to the wide range of topics of philosophical interest in which classical as well as contemporary pragmatist philosophers are involved, or to which they have made durable contributions, or simply on which they have an original word to say. Reading the headings of the six parts that make up this volume – Democracy, Normativity, Religion, Action and Habit, Inquiry, and Ontology and Meaning – one has the feeling that no other philosophical movement of the present can (...)
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    Editorial: Best Practice Approaches for Mixed Methods Research in Psychological Science.M. Teresa Anguera, Angel Blanco-Villaseñor, Gudberg K. Jonsson, José Luis Losada & Mariona Portell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Enriched Life Scale Among US Military Veterans.Caroline M. Angel, Mahlet A. Woldetsadik, Justin T. McDaniel, Nicholas J. Armstrong, Brandon B. Young, Rachel K. Linsner & John M. Pinter - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Editorial: Systematic Observation: Engaging Researchers in the Study of Daily Life as It Is Lived.M. Teresa Anguera, Angel Blanco-Villaseñor, Gudberg K. Jonsson, José Luis Losada & Mariona Portell - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Fernando Savater, Acerca de Santayana.Ángel M. Faerna - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (2).
    This book compiles 17 short pieces in which the renowned Spanish philosopher and intellectual Fernando Savater (San Sebastián, 1947) evokes the thought and character of George Santayana. The selection spans over more than 30 years – the earliest text was originally published in 1977 and the last one dates from 2010 –, revealing Savater’s sustained interest in, and fondness for the figure of Santayana. Completing the collection of self-contained texts there are two more sections: one of fragme...
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  50. You Are What You Read: The Belief Systems of Cyber-Bystanders on Social Networking Sites.Angel N. M. Leung, Natalie Wong & JoAnn M. Farver - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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